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The production and communication tools we use are ever-more tied to the cloud, and to take advantage of it is to open a door of possibility and additional capability. 你今天想去哪里?


从2020年和2021年100%的远程和混合赛事, the entire industry seemed to reverse itself and try to be as much in-person as possible, even going so far as to deliberately not have an online component at times. 我之前写过 钟摆摆回来了 到拥有在线组件,我仍然觉得情况会是这样.

Part of what I see making this happen is the way cloud solutions evolved. 有些人在COVID期间发展得非常快. Business meeting apps like Teams were very difficult to work with pre-pandemic, necessitating the use of outside production tools and apps to get picture-in-picture, 在屏幕上并排显示多个, 等.,然后将制作好的视频输入商务会议应用程序. In a short span of time, a producer could do all this within Teams itself.

云生产解决方案 StreamYard, Restream工作室, evmux,和 河畔.fm 它们都在同样短的时间内戏剧性地进化. 例如, StreamYard soon enabled users to play back long videos from their desktop, and also added the ability to connect multiple cameras to the same computer, 本质上成为一个全面的多摄像头解决方案. They added more multiview options and it really started to work like a dedicated production tool.

云会议空间也在不断发展. Hopin整合了Streamyard. Zoom and Vimeo both developed and released their own total event management solutions. There are also numerous independent solutions like Airmeet on the market now. 这些云会议空间试图复制整个活动体验, from gathering tables in the lobby where people can walk up and chat with others, 赞助摊位, 展览大厅, 除了多轨会议和会议之外. All of these solutions bring together people from around the world who would otherwise have to gather in one physical location—often at great expense and inconvenience—to attend an event.

在相同的时间跨度内, NDI 5发布, which created the ability to connect two locations with NDI as if they were all in the same room. 这, 以及BirdDog提供的类似的NDI云解决方案, make it possible to embed equipment and technology in various locations anywhere around the world, 甚至可以用不在同一栋楼的工作人员远程控制它们. Full control of device settings, pan-and-tilt controls, and more, can be accessed remotely.

最后, 房间里的大象是“超宇宙”,“我们每个人都可以戴上护目镜, 把自己包裹在一个虚拟的化身里, 一起在虚拟空间中漫步. Much as in today’s role-playing games—collaborative environments bringing together players from wherever they may be—these virtual environments make it possible for participants to interact and work together in a common experience environment. 只是觉得 光环,甚至 红色和. 蓝色的 如果你愿意,在一个专业的环境中复制.

实际上,我们现在已经达到 那一刻 矩阵 where Agent Smith has Neo pinned down on the public transit tracks and we hear the next train approaching. “你听到了吗. 安德森? 这是必然的声音.”

我们使用的工具越来越多地与“云”联系在一起,” and to take advantage of it is to open a door of possibility and additional capability. 你今天想去哪里?

One concern with migrating streaming infrastructure and content storage from on-prem to the cloud is ensuring that your content assets are just as accessible via remote data centers as when you had them all stored in physical proximity on-site. CBS体育节目科里·史密斯报道, signant的Rick Capstraw, Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, and IntelliVid Research's Steve Vonder Haar discuss the attendant challenges and how to overcome them in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.
Should all streaming production operations be shifting to the cloud to take advantage of the scalability, 灵活性, 以及云流工作流的经济效益? 或者说on-prem仍然有它的时间和位置吗? Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 安永的Waseem Ahmad报道, and IntelliVid Research's Steve Vonder Haar debate the pros and cons of cloud vs. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023.
There's a lot more imperfect gear on the market than ever before—gear we can't count on from gig to gig. 不能提供可靠视频的设备. 功能可以工作,然后不工作. 连接后又断开的设备. 我们已经失去了核心可靠性. 防弹需要成为一种功能.
LiveX's Corey Behnke and Social180Group's John Porterfield discuss the essential cloud-based tools in their live production workflows from the Live Streaming Summit at 流媒体 West 2022.
Pizazz Chief Problem Solver Jef Kethley discusses how Sienna ND Processing Engine and other tools makes his team's live cloud and remote productions work in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.
In interviews with two fellow producers on the all-virtual 2021 North Texas Irish Festival, 包含六个并发实时提要的多通道事件, 使用vMix和AWS在云中生成, Anthony burrokas为我们介绍了一个复杂的云产品, 包括挑战和经验教训.